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Qualitative Crime Pattern Identification

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Firearm Trafficking MO Variables

 Example of content in the Firearm Trafficking Chapter 50:

 Firearm Trafficking MO Variables

 Sourcing and Procurement

  • Origin of Firearms: Illicit firearms may come from various sources, such as thefts from legal owners, military arsenals, or illegal manufacture.
  • Point of Contact: Traffickers may establish contact with corrupt officials, rogue elements in military or police forces, or individuals with access to firearms.
  • Documentation and Permits: Fake identification, altered permits, or even legitimate documents obtained through corrupt means are often used in the acquisition process

Storage and Staging

  • Safe Houses and Warehousing: After acquisition, firearms are usually stored in hidden or secure locations, often guarded to prevent unwanted attention or seizures.
  • Inventory Management: Sophisticated operations often have a detailed inventory system to track the firearms and ammunition, enabling quicker distribution when demand arises.


  • Transportation Methods: Various means, such as cars, boats, and even commercial flights, are used for moving firearms. Traffickers may use hidden compartments, disguise methods, or transport firearms in parts to avoid detection.
  • Routing and Transshipment: Firearms are often moved through multiple points, sometimes even internationally, to obscure their origin and make tracking more difficult.

Sales and Distribution

  • End Users: The firearms may be intended for street gangs, organized crime syndicates, insurgents, or terrorists, among others.
  • Channels of Sale: Sales may take place through the dark web, face-to-face transactions, or through middlemen who facilitate the trade.
  • Pricing and Payment: Prices are determined by demand, scarcity, and risk involved. Payments may be in cash, barter, or digital currency to leave minimal trace.

Support and Protection

  • Corruption and Collusion: Bribes and other forms of corruption may be used to facilitate the trade, from the acquisition phase to the point of sale.
  • Security Measures: Traffickers often employ various security protocols, including the use of disposable phones, coded language, and encrypted communications, to evade law enforcement.

 Adaptability and Scaling

  • Adaptation to Law Enforcement Tactics: Traffickers adapt to law enforcement measures by changing routes, altering methods of concealment, and employing new technologies.
  • Networking and Alliances: Traffickers may collaborate with other illicit trades or organized crime groups, sometimes diversifying into other forms of illegal activities.

There are 26 other crime categories in the book Elements of Crime Patterns.

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