Gregory Saville:

"This book is a breakthrough for the science of crime and prevention and for the criminological enterprise – both academic and practitioner. Osborne has made a contribution of considerable weight. This is a book you should read."

Qualitative Crime Pattern Identification

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Victim Vulnerabilities

 Two examples out of thirteen in the Victim Vulnerabilities from Chapter Seven:

 Technological vulnerabilities:

  • lack of digital literacy
  • weak online privacy and security practices
  • cyberbullying or online harassment
  • phishing scams and identity theft
  • exploitation through social media or dating platforms
  • over-sharing personal information online
  • weak passwords
  • revealing geotagged location details

 Cultural vulnerabilities:

  • language barriers
  • limited knowledge of local customs or laws
  • cultural or religious practices that may make individuals more susceptible to victimization
  • targeting based on ethnic or cultural background
  • unfamiliar with the local environment
  • targeting in popular tourist destinations

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